Neue Werkstätten welcomed Vienna Vibes 2020, an exhibition showcasing Bodo Sperlein’s designs and unveiling the new collection of beds. The exhibition premiered in March promoting the best of Viennese design led craftsmen and brands highlighting the wealth of skill, style and craft that Vienna has to offer. The exhibition gathered around 100 guests on its opening night, starting the dialogue between brands, visitors and design enthusiasts. More than just a celebration of Bodo’s work and his connection with Vienna, the exhibition proved to be a model with potential to grow into a global travelling exhibition of the best of Viennese culture. Counting with the support of Bauwerk Colour and the Viennese Tourist Board, Bodo Sperlein brought Jarosinski & Vaugoin, nya nordiska and Lobmeyr Lighting to Neue Wersktätten, one of the leading gallery spaces in Munich. The exhibition will reopen as soon as possible. Photography: Fabian Frinzel Art Direction: Studio Homburger Event Organisation & PR: Hello Lovebrands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .